Provisio Medical announces US FDA clearance of the Provisio SLT IVUS system

Provisio Medical has announced US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) 510(k) clearance of the Provisio sonic lumen tomography (SLT) intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) system. According...

Questions linger: BASIL-3 does not find for drug-eluting technologies for CLTI

In the UK National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Health Technology Assessment (HTA)-funded BASIL-3 randomised controlled trial (RCT), neither drug-coated balloon (DCB)...

“We know which DCB to use”—but many other questions remain in vascular access

A first-time presentation of five-year data from the IN.PACT AV Access study evaluating the IN.PACT AV (Medtronic) drug-coated balloon (DCB) today led principal investigator...

Penumbra announces FDA clearance of Lightning Flash 2 for the treatment of PE

Penumbra has announced the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) clearance and launch of Lightning Flash 2, the next generation computer assisted vacuum thrombectomy (CAVT)...

Jack Jennings

Alda Tam

farah gillan irani

Farah Gillan Irani